Last weekend, I was a willing sacrificial lamb at the altar of Bollywood Kitsch when I went to Bedok to watch Dus. Er, I think I must have brought some of my grey cells along, because I caught myself sleeping midway in the movie. A good friend of mine was cleverer and left within an hour of the movie. By the time it ended you could hear the collective sigh of relief at the theatre. Whew! I HAD MADE IT! I can watch a mindless three hour nonsense! YAY!
But the Interesting Incident One happend outside of the theatre, when three of us were passing by a familiar face. Deepak was the first to notice the familiarity. And I was the one to vehemently protest it wasnt The One. But it so happened that Deepak and Ashwin also knew he was in Singapore these days, so it is HIGHLY possible that it was THE one. So I did dare to go to him and ask if he was in fact Chetan Bhagat -which, as it turned out, it was! And I was introducing myself and a little blushing and lost for words, I blurted out my online home address which he actually remembered =D Double YAY! for that.
So, with my remaining grey cells floating on cloud number 9, I made my way home when I had a horrible realisation that I was locked out! And it was 12.10 in the morning! Then had to spend some time knocking on the doors of the security guard and gratefully getting looted by the locksmith for opening the lock in less than a minute.
Sigh…life is a mixed bag!