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Demo for Wee Marquee

Wee! Yet another marquee jQuery plugin! So, this creates a marquee like Twitter's homepage, but also accounts for the case when the length of the content is less than the width of the marquee viewport (check the first example below).

This is a poor single marquee.

This is a selection of scrolling text which exceeds the width of this container. This means it will be duplicating itself. Weee! <end>

This has no fade effect for minimalists.


I am learning to use jQuery and I figured creating code would be more useful than studying it. Plus this way, one of you might get frustrated enough to correct it or suggest something better. Either way, I win!

Supported Browsers

It should work on all browsers including IE6. But it only has been tested on Opera 10.5+, Firefox 3.6+, Safari 4+, Chrome. Do report bugs, if it does not.